Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Blog post

What i learn at the blogging is how to make a blog post and how to make your blog cool and nice and colourful and also how to make it nice and the content to, I learn how to make your content good and nice, blogging is good to learn cause you can learn the blog profiles, exploring blogs, and quality blog,

And also i learn how to share nice and cool and i learn the what we share to our blog, and in blogging you need to make it nice and good and colourful and do the content nice and good also you need to make your spelling correct so that your blog will be nice and so that the people who watch your blog will know what you say because your spelling is correct, and that's all i learn about blogging and cyber smart.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

week 9 cybersmart

Hello my name is Kevin and this my blog, i learn about making a blog post and doing a blog and i live in Auckland and i'm a year 8 and also we made a blog profile and we also write about it. This is my slide with my blog profile:

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Kevin's blog about cybersmart

What i learn in the cybersmart blog,i learn about making a vedio and also making a poster, and what we do about that is we need to learn and make one of them, and also what we about the blog is making some information about them,

And what we learn today is about cybersmart and making some information about cybersmart, and we learn about what we share, then we do the video's about it and also we make a poster about the cybersmart,

And we also make a path story and we also watch a video about the cybersmart, and we make a video about the cybersmart.

Thanks for Listening Bye :)

Here is our Video That we made. Music By - Kevin Macleaod